First Training for New German Shepherd or puppy

Here is the word you must say to your German Shepherd puppy or dog :
The first is his name.
Once you have decided a name for the German Shepherd puppy or dog you shold not call the puppy by any other name.

Every morning and every first time you see the puppy you must say his name, and the puppy should start to repond to it by looking at you. Praise the puppy every time the puppy does your command by giving snack or caress the puppy head . This is very basic command for training your new puppy.

The second is "NO".
This word means " To Stop What German Shepherd doing or to stop unwanted behaviour".
This command is firm but steadily.
Say "NO" with a low voice and if the German Shepherd un respond you must say it harder until the puppy respond your command rightly.