German Shepherd - Barking is the of dog to communicate. The German Shepherd barking is probably as alarm or security alert for your home to deter / indicate unknown visitor or thief at your home.
Why is German Shepherd Barking?
It is important to know why German Shepherd barking. Below are some reasons why your German Shepherd barking :
1. German Shepherd barking cause the dog is bored. German Shepherd dogs is need stimulating daily to prevent getting bored. You can play fetch with a ball or stick or something others.
2. German shepherd barking cause the dog need your attention, he may barking if the dog feel lonely.
3. German Shepherd barking cause there is something outside approach maybe another dog or unknown person or thief. If you have moved into a new area you need to explore your new area so your dog will familiar with your area.
Dog use their voice to communicate.
As puppy they use their voice to communicate to mother.
Dog also use their voice if getting hurt, hungry, cold and pee.
Dogs use their voices in a variety of ways to communicate. As puppies, they make grunting noises to communicate with littermates and mother. High-pitched crying signals that they are frustrated, afraid, or hurting. Soft whining or whimpering is their way of saying they are hungry or cold. Puppies use continual yelping or high-pitched barking to get your attention at such times as when they are shut in a crate and want out. A single yelp or bark is normal if they get stepped on, stung by a bee, or startled.
So you need to understand why your German Shepherd Barking.